90-Day Notice of Termination

A 90-Day Notice of Termination is used in one of two scenarios:


1)  to evict a month-to-month tenant from the Housing Assistance Program (HAP), or colloquially known as Section 8 housing. If the tenant does not vacate the unit within 90 days, the landlord has the legal right to start the eviction process against the tenant.


2) to evict a tenant or subtenant for property that was sold in a foreclosure sale.  The foreclosure laws can be complicated, and an attorney should be consulted.


This notice must include information about abandoned property.


If Security Deposit is involved, that requires a tenant to leave the premises in the same condition as at inception, a landlord is required to give that tenant a Notice of Tenant’s Right to Initial Inspection.

90-Day Notice of Termination

90-Day Notice of Termination